Thursday, June 16, 2011

Correct Terminology

Is the String Theory, really a theory?  I thought that an idea was a hypothesis, until it was supported by independently corroborated empirical data, not just mathematical exploration that determines plausibility.

I may be wrong.  Is it correct to use the term "theory" in mathematics when describing a hypothesis that is supported by calculations but not necessarily empirical data.

 Is it correct to use this one term in so many ways, when agenda driven anti-rationalists chose to use the term "out of context".  It is hard to define a term when it has so many uses within the scientific community, that don't all meet the same criteria.  Can we really claim that a term is co-opted by the opposition when we ourselves are not entirely self consistent?

How do we resolve this?  Can we define terms more clearly,and somehow enforce their use?

I think it will take a concerted effort for all involved to use the most appropriate terms that are not only precise, but are accurate.